Bio&SELL 5x QPCR mixes for probe-based QRT-PCR (No ROX) are optimal for real-time applications such as quantitative PCR and contain all necessary components for quantitative PCR except template DNA, primer and probe.
Bio&SELL 5x QPCR Mix II (No ROX) contains optimized components such as Bio& SELL Hot-Start Taq DNA Polymerase in a proprietary buffer system that allows the detection of "low-copy-number targets".


Probe-based QRT-PCR

ProductArticle No.Amount
Bio&SELL 5x QPCR Mix II (no ROX)) 76.530.0200 200µl
76.530.1000 1000µl
76.530.5000 5000µl


  • detection and quantification of DNA and cDNA targets
  • Profiling of gene expression
  • Microbial Detection
  • Determination of viral loads


pdfdata sheet

Cycler and Probe Compatibility

Bio&SELL QPCR Mix II (no ROX) is compatible with any probe system as well as real-time cyclers that do not require reference dye:
eg: Corbett Rotor-Gene ™ 3000, Rotor-Gene ™ 6000
e.g.: Eppendorf Mastercycler ® ep realplex

Recommended pipetting protocol (for probe-based kits)

ComponentVolumeFinal concentration
Bio&SELL 5x QPCR Mix
(no ROX)
4 µl 1 x
Primer 1 x µl 0,2 - 0,4 µM
Primer 2 x µl 0,2 - 0,4 µM
Sonde x µl 0,1 – 0,25 µM
Template-DNA x µl 1 – 50 ng
Water fill up to 20 µl