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Blood RNA Mini Kit

Our Blood RNA Mini Kit is ideal for the isolation of RNA from fresh whole blood or EDTA- or citrate-stabilized samples. Our column-based kit contains a lysis buffer that is optimized for efficient digestion of blood samples and simultaneously inhibits RNases. Integrated DNA filtering allows isolation of RNA in only 45-60 min without DNA digestion. Our RNA Mini Kit has an excellent RNA binding capacity of over 20 µg and allows fast and effective RNA isolation of the highest quality (ratio A260 / A280: 1.7 - 2.0). Your samples can also be stored at -20 °C for longer periods before lysis.


Fast isolation - in only 45 - 60 min
Easy handling - Column-based RNA isolation
High yield - Binding capacity > 20 µg RNA (depending on type/amount of sample material)
Good throughput - Suitable for 0.5 - 1 ml whole blood
High purity - A260/A280 ratio: 1.7 - 2.0
High safety - Without the use of toxic substances such as phenol, DTT, beta-mercaptoethanol

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Blood RNA Mini Kit
10 reactions
50 reactions
250 reactions

Good to know

Originally, RNA purification methods were based on a two-phase extraction followed by alcohol precipitation of the RNA (e.g. phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction). This method uses phenol and chloroform to lyse the cells. For extractions, it is important to find the perfect ratio between sample and extractant. If too little extractant is used in relation to the sample, the ionic strength and pH will shift, reducing the purity of the isolated RNA. Whole blood has a higher buffering effect, which is why shifts in pH can also occur with conventional methods, making it difficult to isolate high-quality RNA with high yields. Our Blood RNA Mini Kit offers a fast, simple and effective method for isolating RNA from blood.

Our Blood RNA Mini Kit is based on a column-based adsorption of RNA without the use of toxic substances such as phenol or chloroform. After lysis of the whole blood, genomic DNA is removed by integrated filtration. Additional DNase digestion of the DNA is not necessary. The RNA is then reversibly bound to a silica centrifugation column in a second filtration step. Contamination can be removed here by washing steps. Finally, the total RNA is eluted with RNase-free water and can be used directly for downstream applications, such as quantitative PCR.

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