Bio&SELL One-Step RevTrans – qRT-PCR EvaGreen® (No Rox) -Kit combines reverse transcription and subsequent quantitative Real Time PCR in one tube to minimize pipetting steps and contamination risks.
The Kit contains all necessary reagents to generate high quality cDNA and to perform a quantitative Real Time PCR (except templates and primer).

EvaGreen® is especially well suited to meet the requirements of state of the art quantitative Real Time PCR experiments. The intercalating dye gives strong fluorescence signals while showing no detectable PCR inhibition.
EvaGreen® is compatible with all common real-time PCR cyclers - simply select the default setting for SYBR® Green or FAM!

One-Step RevTrans – qRT-PCR EvaGreen® No Rox BS51.0200 250 rxn à 20µl
BS51.1000 1250 rxn à 20µl