Our Blood DNA Mini Kit enables simple and reliable isolation of DNA from 200 - 400 µl whole blood (fresh, frozen or EDTA or citrate-stabilized). Thanks to column-based DNA purification and optimized buffers that are virtually harmless to health, our kit is extremely easy to use and extremely safe. Within approximately 24 minutes (including lysis) you will obtain high-quality isolated DNA (ratioA260 /A280: 1.7 - 2.0), which is ideal for subsequent analyses and polymerase chain reactions (PCRs).
The Blood DNA Mini Kit contains a special lysis buffer including Proteinase K and all other buffers required to bind, wash and elute the DNA. Two protocols are available for processing different total blood starting volumes (400 µl whole blood and < 400 µl whole blood).
Fast isolation - in only approx. 24 min (including lysis) Easy handling - Column-based DNA isolation High yield - yield approx. 30 µg DNA; binding capacity of the column > 60 µg DNA High purity - A260/A280 ratio: 1.7 - 2.0 High safety - without the use of toxic substances such as phenol, DTT, beta-mercaptoethanol
Article list
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Blood DNA Mini Kit
10 reactions
50 reactions
250 reactions
Good to know
Original DNA purification methods were based on a two-phase extraction followed by alcohol precipitation of the DNA (e.g. phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol extraction). These methods are time-consuming and dangerous due to the use of toxic substances such as phenol. In addition, short DNA molecules are only obtained with a low yield. Our DNA Mini Kit is based on the adsorption of DNA on silicate columns and offers you a quick, simple and safe alternative.