5x HS Multiplex PCR-Mastermix
- Text-Artikelliste:
Article No. Reactions BS91.522.1000MPP 250 reactions x 20µl BS91.522.3000MPP 750 reactions x 20µl BS91.522.5000MPP 1250 reactionsx 20µl - Artikelliste 1:
- Produkte: 5x HS Multiplex PCR-Mastermix, Artikelnummer: BS91.522.1000MPP, Menge: 250 reactions, Link-Webshop: https://bio-sell.com/en/molecular-biology-dna/pcr-master-mixe/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix/497/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix-250-reactions
- Artikelnummer: BS91.522.3000MPP, Menge: 750 reactions, Link-Webshop: https://bio-sell.com/en/molecular-biology-dna/pcr-master-mixe/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix/1193/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix-750-reactions
- Artikelnummer: BS91.522.5000MPP, Menge: 1250 reactions, Link-Webshop: https://bio-sell.com/en/molecular-biology-dna/pcr-master-mixe/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix/498/5x-hot-start-taq-multiplex-pcr-mix-1250-reactions
- Testmuster anfordern: No
For parallel amplification of multiple fragments in a single PCR.
The 5x Hot-Start Multiplex PCR-Mastermix is a ready-to-load solution for multiplex and normal Hot-Start PCRs.
- The Mastermix contains all the necessary reagents except for template DNA, primers and water.
- The process takes place in a single reaction vessel.
- The reactions do not need to be pipetted on ice.
- The mix is at room temperature for 1 month, at 4 ° C up to 6 months and at - 20 °C stable at least 12 months.
- The dye contained in the mix facilitates pipetting and at the same time serves to visualize the electrophoretic separation.
- The generated PCR products can be used for TA cloning