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Immune Cell (IC) Medium

Our immune cell (IC) medium is a serum-free, ready-to-use cell culture medium for the in vitro cultivation and expansion of human immune cells. The medium has been specially optimized for the growth of T cells, CIK cells (cytokine-induced killer cells), LAK cells (lymphokine-activated killer cells) and NK cells (natural killer cells) in serum-free suspension cultures. Our IC medium was developed on the basis of RPMI 1640 and DMEM/F12 and enriched with special salts, trace elements, albumins, cholesterol, lipids and vitamins. It is ready-to-use and requires no further supplementation. Our IC medium deliberately does not contain any growth factors (such as recombinant cytokines) for cell differentiation or the enrichment of T cells from whole blood samples. Add these according to the individual requirements of your cells.

Our IC medium enables the proliferation of T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)/whole blood, proliferation of NK, LAK and CIK cells after stimulation and the long-term cultivation of immortalized T cells. The serum-free cultivation of immune cells saves you time-consuming serum tests, prevents batch-to-batch variations and thus enables maximum reproducibility. It also reduces the risk of possible contamination.


Article list

ProductsArticle numberQuantityShop
Immune cell (IZ) medium
(serum-free, ready-to-use, with phenol red)
500 ml
1000 ml

Good to know

Peripheral blood cells are arrested in the G0 phase and must be stimulated with mitogens (plant lectins, e.g. phytohemaggluthinin PHA; or antibodies such as anti-CD3 ) in order to be cultivated in vitro.

Tips for the stimulation of T cells:

  1. T cell density of 1x105/ ml
  2. Addition of PHA according to manufacturer's instructions (1-5 μg/ml)
  3. Incubation time is between 48-72 hours (depending on the type and origin of the lymphocytes and their use)
  4. Addition of fresh IZ medium and further stimulation of the T cells is necessary to continue the culture

Please note: The proliferation rate of primary lymphocytes from whole blood is limited

Tips for stimulation/cultivation of CIK cells:

CIK are enriched by adding IFN-γ, mAb anti-CD3 (OKT3) and IL-2 to isolated PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells). After 2-3 weeks in vitro culture, their concentration is increased 1000-fold.



  • Proliferation of T cells from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
  • Long-term cultivation of immortalized T cells
  • Proliferation of NK, LAK and CIK cells

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