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Taq Polymerases

Bio&SELL Taq-Polymerase - robust, versatile and economical

The Bio&SELL Taq-DNA-Polymerase achieves excellent results in your PCR applications because you can optimize each of your PCR reactions individually.

Included in the delivery of Bio&SELL Taq Polymerase:

  • Two different buffer systems with and without detergent
  • Separate MgCl2 solution
  • Solution for GC-rich templates and for minimizing background

Select the optimal buffer system for the particular application. With the detergent-containing buffer B, the yields of the PCR reaction can be optimized. The BD buffer without Tween-20 is recommended for detergent-sensitive, downstream applications.

Article No.Units
BS91.711.0500 500


  • data sheet

Product information

Packaging size:
100µl - 500µl
Shipping temperature:
room temperature
-20° Celsius

PCR Troubleshooting?

It's easy with the S-solution of Bio&SELL - the results of PCR templates with high GC content can be significantly improved by the addition of the S-solution. Even with unwanted by-products in the PCR reaction, the S-solution contributes to background minimization.

The separately packaged MgCl2 solution allows the variation of the Mg 2+ ion concentration in your PCR reaction, thereby providing for further optimization of the specific PCR reactions.
For educational purposes, you can impressively demonstrate to your students the Mg 2+ dependence of enzyme activity of DNA polymerase.

Application & Quality Control

Primer extension reactions: the enzyme is free of nicking and primers activities as well as of exonucleases and non-specific endonucleases. SDS / PAGE: 95 kD band, purity> k98%. Activity and stability were tested by PCR. The error rate per cycle per Nukeotid is 8.3x10-5 1.2x104 accuracy. The half-life at 95 °C is 90 min.

Storage and dilution buffer

50% glycerol (v / v), 20 mM Tris HCl (pH 8.7 at 25 °C), 100 mM KCl, 0.1 mM EDTA and stabilizers.

Unit definition

One unit is the amount of enzyme that is needed to convert 10 nmol of dNTP in 30 min at 74 ° C in an acid-insoluble form.

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