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Multiplex qPCR Mastermix Rox

Multiplex qPCR Mastermix Rox is optimized for probe-based real-time PCRs of multiple DNA templates and contains all components necessary for quantitative PCR except template DNA, primer and probe. Multiplex qPCR Mastermix Rox is 5x concentrated and contains optimized components such as our Hot-Start Taq DNA Polymerase and a specific buffer system that allows the detection of 5-10 targets in one experiment.

This kit contains the reference dye Rox. Rox is a passive, internal reference dye used to normalize the fluorescence reporter signal during qPCR.

Article list

ProductsArticle numberQuantityShop
Multiplex qPCR Mastermix Rox
5x concentrated
50 reactions
250 reactions
1250 Reaktionen


  • Detection and quantification of DNA and up to 10 cDNA targets
  • Profiling of gene expression
  • Microbial Detection
  • Determination of viral loads
  • Specific suitability for multiplex PCR reactions

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