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Blood direct 2x PCR-Mastermix

For PCR reactions directly from whole blood

The Bio&SELL Blood Direct 2x PCR Mastermix enables a PCR reaction directly from whole blood without purification of the DNA and without lysis of the blood sample:

  • Simply transfer 1-3µl of blood from the sample into the master mix and start the PCR reaction
  • The process takes place in a single reaction vessel
  • No complex, time-consuming lysis, DNA isolation and washing steps
  • Ideally suited for genes that are frequently examined in the same way during routine screening
  • For genomic DNA from blood
  • The mix is stable for 1 month at room temperature, up to 3 months at +4°C and at least 12 months at -20°C
  • Includes pipetting and PCR protocols

Article list

ProductsArticle numberQuantityShop
Blood direct 2x PCR Mastermix
250 reactions
1250 reactions

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