RNaseSTOP is a ready-to-use decontamination agent for preparation when working with RNA. With RNaseSTOP you can decontaminate all surfaces (equipment, work surfaces, glass containers, plastics) safely and residue-free from RNases and DNA. RNaseSTOP cleans gently (no scrubbing) and enables decontamination of laboratory equipment that cannot be autoclaved.
Universally applicable - decontamination of all surfaces (equipment, glass containers, plastics) Safe & residue free - Gentle cleaning (no scrubbing)
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Good to know
The basic first step in working with RNA is the removal of contaminating nucleic acids and the elimination of RNAses. RNases are nucleases that specifically degrade RNA molecules. Since the human body uses RNases to defend itself against invading microorganisms, RNases are found in body fluids such as tears, saliva, mucus and sweat. In principle, RNA is much more unstable than DNA, which is why a clean environment is the most important prerequisite for the success of your experiments. RNAseSTOP helps you to decontaminate all surfaces and creates the best conditions for your experiments.