Human serum off-the-clot is obtained from human whole blood and clotted naturally (without anticoagulants). Coagulation takes place at room temperature. The blood clot is then removed and the serum is purified by depth and membrane filters. The serum contains many growth factors, vitamins, nutrients, trace elements and transport factors.
Our human serum consists of plasma or whole blood donations from exclusively healthy donors from certified institutes in Europe or the USA. Each individual donation is tested for viral infections, checked and documented. This gives you maximum safety and transparency.
Without anticoagulants - Naturally coagulated No animal components - Produced in vivo conditions for human in vitro applications High safety - Every whole blood or plasma donation is intensively tested for infections
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Human serum, off the clot
100 ml
500 ml
Good to know
Human whole blood consists of 55% plasma and 45% solid blood components (red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets). In order to isolate plasma, anticoagulants are added to prevent the whole blood from clotting. Solid and cellular components are separated by centrifugation. The plasma then contains suspended blood cells, nutrients, hormones, minerals and proteins such as coagulation factors. Human serum corresponds to plasma fluid, without coagulation factors and cellular components. It consists of nutrients, minerals, hormones, antigens, antibodies and other proteins. To obtain serum, whole blood is either naturally clotted or isolated plasma is mixed with calcium chloride. Cellular and solid components are removed by centrifugation.
In order to create in vivo conditions for in vitro cell culture, serum is often added to the cell culture medium. Due to its unique composition, fetal bovine serum (FBS) is one of the most important supplements for cell proliferation in in vitro cell culture. However, human serum may be more suitable than FBS for culturing human cells, as both the serum and the cells to be cultured belong to the same species. If you want to convert your cells from FBS to human serum, they should be adapted to the new serum step by step. To do this, first cultivate the cells for 4-6 days with a 10% serum mixture consisting of 5% FBS and 5% human serum. Then you can finally switch the cell cultivation to human serum.