L-glutamine is an essential, proteinogenic amino acid. It serves as the main source of energy for cultured cells and is an important building block for protein and nucleic acid synthesis. For this reason, L-glutamine is often added to the cell culture medium as a supplement. For our products, L-glutamine was dissolved in a 200 mM concentration in water (cell culture quality).
However, L-glutamine is very unstable in liquid media and toxic degradation products (e.g. ammonium ions) can disrupt or even damage the cells. This is why we also offerL-glutamine in a stable form (L-alanyl-L-glutamine). L-alanyl-L-glutamine is not broken down spontaneously, but is split into L-glutamine by the cell as required. This prevents toxic degradation products from damaging your cell culture and ensures that fresh L-glutamine is always available for your long-term cultures. Our L-alanyl-L-glutamine solution also has a concentration of 200 mM and is also dissolved in water (cell culture quality).